Derek Swingley

San Diego neighborhoods. September 2014.

Map of crime data over five decades using d3. August 2014.

Small d3-based visualization of the most intelligent dog breeds. June 2014.

Save map click on Firebase. August 2013.

Motorcycle trip to Lake Tahoe. August 2013.

Motorcycle parking in downtown San Diego. Small-screen friendly. May 2013.

How well do you know state names and abbreviations? March 2013.

Miles logged on Garmin Connect, mostly cycling. February 2013.

Country name game. February 2013.

Search for stuff to see/do. September 2012.

Map tiles from many different services. September 2012.

My version of Instagram on a map. January 2012.

Photos from my holiday 2011 trip to New Zealand. January 2012.

Add random points to an OpenLayers-based map. April 2011.

Show map tile boundaries. April 2011.

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